Second Dawn
From a series of images produced while attending workshops taught by Karin Rosenthal.
Ripple Thief
From a series of images produced while attending workshops taught by Karin Rosenthal.
Dancer's Back
From a series of images produced while attending workshops taught by Karin Rosenthal.
Susie Leaves
From a series of images produced while attending workshops taught by Karin Rosenthal.
Red Pepper and Brussels sprout, AKA Vegetarian Nude (1994)
Poster design by Jim Baab.
Blood Orange Butterfly
From a series of experiments exploring torn citrus fruits, a forced, live, symmetry and pareidolia.
Blood Orange Insect
From a series of experiments exploring torn citrus fruits, a forced, live, symmetry and pareidolia.
Last Breath
From a series of experiments exploring torn citrus fruits, a forced, live, symmetry and pareidolia.
Pomelo Tigress
From a series of experiments exploring torn citrus fruits, a forced, live, symmetry and pareidolia.
From a series of experiments exploring trees, a forced, live, symmetry and pareidolia.
The Wave
From a series of experiments exploring light and soap suds on stainless steel lids. Produced in Jim’s kitchen sink.
From a series of experiments exploring light and soap suds on stainless steel lids. Produced in Jim’s kitchen sink.
From a series of experiments exploring light and soap suds on stainless steel lids. Produced in Jim’s kitchen sink.
Slam Dunk
From a series of experiments exploring light and soap suds on stainless steel lids. Produced in Jim’s kitchen sink.
Morning Muffin Smile
Published and awarded. Shot with an iPhone on our kitchen counter. Natural light from kitchen window. Processed via Instagram.
First Strawberry
From our garden. First of the season, whatever year that was. Processed via Instagram.
Fresh Carrots
From our garden. Shot with an iPhone. Processed via Instagram.
From Our Driveway
About 72 geese flying south. Shot with an iPhone. Processed via Instagram.
Cherry on Blue Plate
Macro photography in direct sunlight. Made in our back yard.
Photographed with a 3.3 Megapixel camera and one light. That’s my hand on the left.
My wife, Corey Tedrow, expecting our first child.
Dark Halo
Model: Carlotta Champagne
Forward and Back
Model: Anne Duffy
Model: Carlotta Champagne
Model: Anoush Anou
The Scream
Model: Christian Van Horn
Model: Anoush Anou
Model: Anoush Anou
Model: Carlotta Champagne
Model: Christian Van Horn
From a series of experiments exploring stainless steel, light, a forced, live symmetry and pareidolia.
From a series of experiments exploring stainless steel, light, a forced, live symmetry and pareidolia.
From a series of experiments exploring stainless steel, light, a forced, live symmetry and pareidolia.
From a series of experiments exploring stainless steel, light, a forced, live symmetry and pareidolia.
From a series of experiments exploring stainless steel, light, a forced, live symmetry and pareidolia.